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Bith are a peaceful, highly evolved sentient species native to the planet Clak'dor VII. Fully adapted to a civilized, high-technology lifestyle, Bith are found galaxy-wide at all levels of society, most notably as engineers, scientists, intellectuals, consultants, and musicians. They have hairless, domed heads and black, glassy eyes that lack eyelids and are not able to shed tears. They also have very sensitive hearing, being able to separate and isolate sounds around them. Loud sonic grenades can make their heads explode. Because Bith had no noses, they smell through special organs beneath the skin flaps on their faces.

Average lifespan
Original language

Famous Individuals

Clak'dor VII
90 years

Darth Tenebrous, Thalleus Tarn

 = Only available for donators.
 = Only available for Tier 2 donators.
Heads are not included with the head cosmetics. These heads can be applied on your skin (and edited), using the buttons on the left.

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